The Capital Group
Capital Group FASING Plc. is the biggest in Central Europe and one of the biggest in the world producer of chains for mining, fishery, power, sugar, cement, timber industry and others.
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Organization chart of Capital Group FASING Plc.
Mining Tools and Equipment Factories
Capital Group FASING Plc.
The biggest in Central Europe and one of the biggest worldwide producers of chains Ø9- Ø60, connecting links, highly wear resistant flight bars, chain assemblies and accessories for mining industry, energy sector, sugar and cement sectors, and others. Over 100-year long experience, research work and application of innovative technological solutions ensure that our products occupy a leading position in the world and lay the ground for response to the needs of constantly evolving sales market. Our products are used by over 2000 users in more than 44 countries. Influenced by 100 year long experience, we stay future inspired.

Modern and dynamically growing company which core business is production and distribution of equipment for electromechanical industry. Experience in technology with constantly modernized machine park and employment of highly specialized experts contribute to the creation of wide range of products, that harmonize and complement MOJ own products and equipment made by internationally recognized producers. The company offers wide spectrum of hydrokinetic and flexible couplings, electric hand drills, hydraulic mining drills, pneumatic hand rotary drills, pneumatic bolting machines, hydraulic aggregates, torque and ratchet spanners etc. The company also provides repair services to own-brand products and carries out business in real estate sector. We are the creators of the legendary MOJ 130 motorcycle, which is currently exhibited at the Museum of Technology and Industry in Warsaw. Osowiec Forging Plant, the company’s department runs the production of die forgings that find its use in many sectors of industry. We focus on the quality that is not accidental but results from human effort.

Fasing Ukraina Sp. z o.o.
The core business of Fasing Ukraine is sale of machines and equipment used in mining and construction industry, in particular the chains and chain assemblies made by Fasing Group.
(Ukraine) 100%
Przedsiębior- stwo Usług Górniczych Greenway Sp. z o.o.
The company arranges and carries out the investment to restore coal extraction in Seam 816, within the mining area of closed mine “Barbara-Chorzów”.

Fasing Sino-Pol (Beijing) Mining Equipment and Tools Co. Ltd.
FASING China was established in May 2016. The stake of FASING Group in the company’s share capital is 100%. Its primary business activity is sale of FASING Group machines and equipment in the territory of People’s Republic of China. The location of company’s office in Beijing and its warehouse in Tianjin guarantees the highest quality customer service. It enables direct contact with a customer, short response time of after-sales service (max. 48h), convenient payment terms (CNY and EUR) and quick deliveries. The company employs highly qualified experts, who fluently speak Chinese, English, Russian and German.
(China) 100%

Fasing America Corp.
In construction
(USA) 100%